All Love and Tender Care


    In our journey through this world, full of challenges and difficulties, we can thank one special woman in our lives, one woman who can make us feel whole, the woman who is the whole world for us, a woman who brought us to life, our mothers. The love they show is like no other love, a love close to that of God, though not perfect it is still our mother’s gentle love. Those who care for us no matter who we are, when we are heart they tend to our wounds, our mothers holding us close so tenderly, truly there is no one like our mothers.

Our life would be meaningless, we are all sought to live the way we are, it’s all the works of our mothers that gave life a beautiful meaning. Through their love, it serves as a path that guides us to attain a brighter future. Ever since our first journey in life, when we were once a sperm through their canal we were guided to be destined with our mother's egg that cared and made us grow to be who we are today and for the future. As a woman they have the power to give life, a power we all look upon that is in our mothers. Though at some point there will be shortcomings, no one is perfect after all. Our mother's love for us will never change, the bond we share is unbreakable. We can call our mothers selfless because of how much they sacrifice for us, giving their all and best to make us happy and have a quality way of living.

    Our mothers had done everything for us, not thinking about themselves but doing what is best for their children. I thank God for giving me the mother who always guides me on the right path, giving me all the love I will ever need and helping me in making my way through this journey of life. All mothers are important in our lives, it is their instinct and nature to protect and care for us. We must show them the love they deserve, the love that brought us all together forming an unbreakable bond. Sending all the all mothers in the world, thank you for guiding us and for showing love to us.


Silent Thoughts:


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